Latest Articles in Appliances

Televisions TV doesn't respond to remote

7 Reasons Why Your TV Doesn’t Respond To The Remote

Is your TV not responding to the remote? You're not alone. Try these seven fixes to get your remote working again in no time!
Is your TV not responding to the remote? You're not alone. Try these...
Dryers Dryer With Clothes Inside

Repair Guide: Fixing A Broken Dryer Heat Sensor

Learn how to troubleshoot and fix a malfunctioning dryer heat sensor in this repair guide.
Learn how to troubleshoot and fix a malfunctioning dryer heat sensor in...
Televisions LG TV Apps Not Updating- 6 Known Causes (& Fixes!)

LG TV Apps Not Updating- 6 Known Causes (& Fixes!)

If you're stuck with an LG TV that isn't updating it's Apps - don't worry! Check out this guide to get your updates refreshed to their latest updates.
If you're stuck with an LG TV that isn't updating it's Apps - don't worry!...
Televisions If HDR Keeps Turning Off, On Your LG TV, Read This.

If HDR Keeps Turning Off, On Your LG TV, Read This.

Are you experiencing issues with HDR turning off on your LG TV? This guide provides troubleshooting tips and solutions to help you fix the problem.
Are you experiencing issues with HDR turning off on your LG TV? This guide...
Televisions Fixing An LG TV That Won't Connect To Your Wi-fi: 6 solutions.

Fixing An LG TV That Won’t Connect To Your Wi-fi: 6 solutions.

Is your LG TV having trouble connecting to Wi-Fi? Our article provides 6 easy-to-follow tips to help you get back to streaming in no time.
Is your LG TV having trouble connecting to Wi-Fi? Our article provides 6...
Air Fryers Air Fryer Door Locked Shut? Here's What to Do

Air Fryer Door Locked Shut? Here’s What to Do

Has your air fryer door locked shut on you? There are several reasons why this could happen, and we’ve provided a possible fix for each.
Has your air fryer door locked shut on you? There are several reasons why...
Air Fryers The 5 Most Common Air Fryer Error Codes, With Fixes

The 5 Most Common Air Fryer Error Codes, With Fixes

Is your air fryer sending you messages? Here are the five most common air fryer error codes plus a few manufacturer-specific codes.
Is your air fryer sending you messages? Here are the five most common air...
Air Fryers

If Your Air Fryer Is Leaking Water – Read This

It’s not common, but sometimes your air fryer may leak water, and sometimes it may leak oil. Here are the reasons why and what to do about it.
It’s not common, but sometimes your air fryer may leak water, and...
Air Fryers Air Fryer Not Closing Properly Check These 10 Things

Air Fryer Not Closing Properly? Check These 10 Things

Is your air fryer not closing properly? Here's our list of 10 things to check to help you fix the issue and get you back to cooking in no time.
Is your air fryer not closing properly? Here's our list of 10 things to...
Air Fryers Air Fryer Basket Coating Peeling? What You Need to Know

Air Fryer Basket Coating Peeling? What You Need to Know

Is your air fryer basket coating peeling off? Is it dangerous? Potentially, yes, there are health concerns. Read the following for more information.
Is your air fryer basket coating peeling off? Is it dangerous?...
Dishwashers Dishwasher smelling like sewage

Dishwasher Smelling Like Sewage? Fix It In 4 Steps

Does your dishwasher smell like sewage? Don't worry! Read this quick guide to learn how to get rid of the unpleasant odor in 4 simple steps.
Does your dishwasher smell like sewage? Don't worry! Read this quick guide...
Dishwashers Dishwasher has a chemical smell

Explaining A Chemical Smell from a Dishwasher

Does your dishwasher smell like chemicals? The solution might be simpler than you think! Read this quick guide to get rid of the odor.
Does your dishwasher smell like chemicals? The solution might be simpler...
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