Space Heaters

During cold nights, there’s nothing quite like a space heater to keep you cozy. But when this appliance fails in any way, you might find yourself freezing and uncomfortable. Here, you’ll get tons of useful information, troubleshooting guides, and insightful recommendations on the best models out there.

Latest Articles in Space Heaters

Space Heaters

Space Heater Smelling Like Burning? Here’s Why

Does your space heater smell like burning? Then in this article, you’ll find 5 reasons why it smells and what you can do to solve this problem.
Does your space heater smell like burning? Then in this article, you’ll...
Space Heaters Featured-electric-heater-sparks

Electric Heater Sparking? Here’s What to Do

Did you just see your electric heater sparking? Then find out why it sparks and what you should do to stop it in this article.
Did you just see your electric heater sparking? Then find out why it...
Space Heaters Featured-space-heaters

Space Heater Plug Getting Hot? Explained With Advice

Is your space heater plug getting hot? Then take a look at this article where we will explain 5 reasons why this happens and 5 things you can do to prevent it.
Is your space heater plug getting hot? Then take a look at this article...
Space Heaters Leaving A Space Heater On Overnight

Leaving A Space Heater On Overnight: 5 Best Practices

Does the idea of leaving your space heater on overnight sound appealing? Here are 5 best practices you should follow religiously to ensure you’re doing it safely!
Does the idea of leaving your space heater on overnight sound appealing?...
Space Heaters Featured-heater

Electric Heater Making Clicking Noises? This Is Why

Is your electric heater making clicking noises but you’re not sure why? Then take a look at the simple explanation in this article.
Is your electric heater making clicking noises but you’re not sure why?...
Space Heaters assorted space heaters

Space Heater Beeping Like Crazy? Here’s Why

Is your space heater beeping like crazy? An air filter replacement might be long overdue. Here’s why.
Is your space heater beeping like crazy? An air filter replacement might...
Space Heaters space heater in a room

Space Heater Refusing To Turn Off? This Might Be Why

Is your space heater refusing to turn off? Your thermostat could be reading temperatures inaccurately. This might be why.
Is your space heater refusing to turn off? Your thermostat could be...
Space Heaters modern space heater in room

How to Throw Away or Recycle A Space Heater

Throwing away a trusty appliance is always difficult, but ultimately necessary. How can you give your space heater a proper sendoff while keeping everyone safe? Here are some tips for you!
Throwing away a trusty appliance is always difficult, but ultimately...
Space Heaters person trying to check the circuit breaker switch

Space Heater Tripping Your Circuit Breaker? Here’s Why

Is your space heater tripping your circuit breaker? Your old thermostat might need to retire. Here’s why.
Is your space heater tripping your circuit breaker? Your old thermostat...
Space Heaters Space Heater Not Working

Space Heater Not Working? Try These 6 Simple Fixes

Is your space heater not working? The thermostat inside it could be malfunctioning. Try these 6 simple fixes.
Is your space heater not working? The thermostat inside it could be...
Space Heaters Space Heater Keeps Shutting Off

Space Heater Keeps Shutting Off? 4 Causes & Solutions

Does your space heater keep shutting off? Something inside it might be malfunctioning. Here are 4 causes & solutions.
Does your space heater keep shutting off? Something inside it might be...
Calculators Electric Heater Making Steam

Electric Heater Running Costs: Free Calculator

Electric heaters are fantastic, until you see the electric bill. We've put together a free calculator to estimate electric heater running costs.
Electric heaters are fantastic, until you see the electric bill. We've put...