Latest Articles in Air Fryers
Air Fryers

Air Fryer Door Locked Shut? Here’s What to Do
Has your air fryer door locked shut on you? There are several reasons why this could happen, and we’ve provided a possible fix for each.
Has your air fryer door locked shut on you? There are several reasons why...
Air Fryers

The 5 Most Common Air Fryer Error Codes, With Fixes
Is your air fryer sending you messages? Here are the five most common air fryer error codes plus a few manufacturer-specific codes.
Is your air fryer sending you messages? Here are the five most common air...
Air Fryers

If Your Air Fryer Is Leaking Water – Read This
It’s not common, but sometimes your air fryer may leak water, and sometimes it may leak oil. Here are the reasons why and what to do about it.
It’s not common, but sometimes your air fryer may leak water, and...
Air Fryers
Air Fryer Not Closing Properly? Check These 10 Things
Is your air fryer not closing properly? Here's our list of 10 things to check to help you fix the issue and get you back to cooking in no time.
Is your air fryer not closing properly? Here's our list of 10 things to...
Air Fryers
Air Fryer Basket Coating Peeling? What You Need to Know
Is your air fryer basket coating peeling off? Is it dangerous? Potentially, yes, there are health concerns. Read the following for more information.
Is your air fryer basket coating peeling off? Is it dangerous?...
Air Fryers
Air Fryer Not Heating Up? Here’s All 6 Known Causes
Is your air fryer not heating up? Your heating element might have triggered a chain reaction. Here’s all 6 known causes.
Is your air fryer not heating up? Your heating element might have...
Air Fryers
Air Fryer Blowing Fuses or Tripping Your Breaker? 6 Steps to Fix the Issue
Is your air fryer blowing fuses or tripping breakers? It might be the symptom of a greater concern. Here’s 6 steps to fix the issue.
Is your air fryer blowing fuses or tripping breakers? It might be the...
Air Fryers
Air Fryer Not Working? 6 Known Issues, With Solutions
Is your air fryer not working? A recent blackout could be to blame. Here are 6 known issues, with solutions.
Is your air fryer not working? A recent blackout could be to blame. Here...
Air Fryers vs Microwaves: Compared In 9 Different Ways
Are you trying to understand the differences between air fryers and microwaves? Read this quick guide to make the right choice!
Are you trying to understand the differences between air fryers and...
Air Fryers
Air Fryer Keeps Beeping At You? 6 Reasons Why
Does your air fryer keep beeping at you? It might just be trying to extend its lifespan. Here’s 6 reasons why.
Does your air fryer keep beeping at you? It might just be trying to extend...