Range Hoods

When your range hood is either too noisy or not clearing the smoke in your kitchen as well as you’d like, something’s clearly not right. Here, you’ll find several guides with solutions that can restore the balance in your home.

Latest Articles in Range Hoods

Range Hoods Range Hood Not Pulling Air Properly

Range Hood Not Pulling Air Properly? 5 Checks to Make

Does your house look like an indoor barbecue? There might be something wrong with your air flow. Here are 5 checks to make if your range hood is not pulling air properly!
Does your house look like an indoor barbecue? There might be something...
Range Hoods Range Hood Blowing Fuses

Range Hood Blowing Fuses? 4 Things to Check

Another day, another blown fuse. Tired of driving to the hardware store for replacements? Here are 4 things you can check to stop this from happening!
Another day, another blown fuse. Tired of driving to the hardware store...
Range Hoods Range Hood Shutting on or off by Itself

Range Hood Shutting On or Off By Itself? 4 Quick Fixes

Did your range hood turn on again for no apparent reason? It might be trying to tell you something’s wrong. Here are 4 reasons why this happens and some easy and quick ways to fix them.
Did your range hood turn on again for no apparent reason? It might be...
Range Hoods Range Hood Keeps Beeping

Range Hood Keeps Beeping? 4 Reasons Why and How to Fix It

Is the beeping noise from your range hood disrupting the peace and quiet of your home? Here are 4 possible causes and solutions to the problem!
Is the beeping noise from your range hood disrupting the peace and quiet...